Prayer For Promotion At My Workplace

Dear Lord, please help me get promoted at work. I have been working so hard and have been patient, but it has been a long time since I last got a promotion. I am praying for the best for this company and its employees, as well as myself.

I know that if you bless me with a promotion, it will be an opportunity to use my skills to help others and make a difference in their lives. Please let me be promoted soon so I can do more good in this world!

O God my father, You are the one that blessed Abraham and made him a father of many nations. You blessed him with so many riches and made his name a household name to always be reckoned with. I am here before you today. I ask for the kind of blessing that You gave to Abraham, bless me like that at my place of work. Bless me abundantly. Put it into the heart of my boss to promote me to a higher position.

Father Lord, it is You I trust. My life is in your hands. My work is in your hands. I asked you for this job while I was still job-seeking and you gave me the job. Now, I am asking You for another favour, Lord. I am asking for a promotion at my workplace. Please promote me to higher grounds. Surprise the devil and remove me from all forms of stagnation at my workplace in Jesus’ name. My peers have looked down on me, O Lord.

They think in their heads that I can never move from my position in the company to a greater position. Lord, surprise my peers. Right before their eyes, elevate me to a greater position at work in Jesus’ name. Let them marvel at the Lord’s work in my life Amen. Lord, from today onwards, open doors of greatness and promotion for me at work in Jesus’ name. Let doors of promotion opportunities begin to open for me at my workplace. Amen.

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God of mercy, have mercy on me especially pertaining to my work. Visit my life today and gift me with a promotion at work. Amen. Don’t let my name be skipped when it comes to promotion at work in Jesus’s name. Lord, as honestly as I serve diligently at work, let me be rewarded diligently in the form of a promotion in the job title in Jesus’ name, Amen. Let me receive divine favour in the eyes of my employers from today in Jesus’ name.

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